Isaiah 55:8-9
I had a moment yesterday. For the most part I have been doing well in terms of my spirits and staying positive, but somewhere between my jogging on the underwater treadmill at a speed of 4.0 and doing my rehab exercises simple enough for a senior citizen, I cracked a little. It is almost the end of May and THIS is what I’m doing?! Tears quickly welled up in my eyes and I took an unneeded bathroom break. I know I’m not supposed to think like that but I’d be lying to you if I said it was that easy. I’m human. It’s six weeks before Trials and I can’t jog on ground and I have not done so in almost a month. I’ve been surprised even at my own courage and strength because normally I am quite the head case and for the most part I haven’t been. But I do have my moments. Moments like yesterday.
And so last night when I read that verse above before bed, I just had to whisper thank you. Thank you for reminding me that I am so not in charge of things right now. Sometimes circumstances are hard to understand. For example, my circumstance right now can be extremely frustrating to me at times because not only do I feel as if the timing is the absolute worst, I also slip up sometimes and find myself worrying about everything you could possibly think I might worry about. I sit around and I feel like I’m just staring at this huge hourglass sand timer and I just want to turn it on it’s side for a bit. But focusing on your lack of understanding can really wear you out. So when I begin to let my mind go there, it’s helpful for me to be reminded to snap out of it. I just need to trust and remind myself that His ways are not my ways. I know I’ve mentioned something similar to this before, but sometimes I find myself in need of another cue. I most certainly don’t think it was by chance that I read that verse today.
Nothing happens by chance hun. Not even the most minute thing that has happened in your life. I'm not going to pretend to know what you're going through because I don't. I've been through some really rough times myself and have questioned, pleaded, and begged God for whatever it was. Continue to be encouraged through your Bible reading, your friends and family...and your blog stalkers! =) Defeat takes place first in the mind. You're not defeated...only a little sidetracked. Things right now maybe hard--extremely difficult---trying-- and unknown; but it's not impossible. So for as long as it is not impossible, believe in the possibilities. You got this!
fantastic. i'm so glad you had the presence of mind to let those verses seep into your spirit. isn't it like a balm? He never said it would be easy, but He'll never put more on us than we can bear. love it. rock on chica.
Hey Bri, I know we spoke last night but I just wanted to let you know that you are still in my thoughts and prayers and that if there's ANYTHING you need, just let me know! I'm here, night or day. I can only begin to imagine how hard and trying of a time this must be for you. What would pastor john say?:)
Keep your head up and always know God doesn't put anything in your path you can't handle.
Might be crazy but I know the pain of wanting or visualizing where you should (or want to be) but being somewhere else!!!There is nothing more I would want or love to do then be able to run the 400m like I know I can, however everytime I start making progress I must go back to Iraq. So it does become very frustrating but I know God has a plan for me. I keep my head up and follow God's will. Maybe oneday I will get out there even if it is in the masters. We all have those moments of getting down but it is what you do after that moment that can make you great......
Whispering... "Be still and know that I am God, be still and know that I am God."
In the past you've written some mind boggling blogs, and I see that you're continuing to do so.
As long as you remember that with God ALL things are possible you will overcome this and triumph.
I like how Malibu phrased it;"believe in the possibilities".
on the red phone.
i love you SO much.
Hang in there sister girl because the future is bright indeed. I am sure things may seem dim, but the tears I am sure were needed to let some of that frustration out.
I will continue to pray for your recovery and success in the sport.
:::Marcus LANGFORD:::
Chin up sweet pea.
Sending you a cyber hug from London.
The fat lady aint sang yet.
Keep up with the rehab.
"Behold, I make all things new..."
Bri, God is the in business of doing the IMPOSSIBLE. Now it's just a matter of praying for His will to be in alignment with ours.
I love you.
thanks everyone! i feel as if i know some of the most uplifting people in the world!
it definitely wasnt by chance, God had a strange way of presenting things to us and it only the wise actually take the time to listen and receive that message... so good for you
Philippians 4:7
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
I am new fan of yours. keep your spirits up and trust in God to show you the proper path. I am studying Isaiah wih my group right now and reading this was a signal to me to seek the Lord even more!
I wish you were here so i could give you a hug.
I spoke to Nikkie tonight after she thought you were me on the phone. The way the entire conversation that you guys had unfolded made me laugh as hard as what she and I discussed, had made me cry. You were a blessing to me tonight and not by chance. I pray that you will continue to be blessed yourself dear! Good Luck!
I honestly try to think of scriptures that might help you, but I suck at quoting the Bible so I'm not even going to try. Its like me spitting out a verse from Shakespeare...I have no idea what he's talking about. But what I do know is that you are meant for GREATNESS! Specifically I would love to tell you what that greatness would include but that, I don't know. All I know is you are meant for GREATNESS! I've known it my whole life and others can see it too! This is a mountain you are climbing and what waits for you at the top, only God knows. But it will be GREAT. I promise you that. I love you Bri. Stay strong and positive.
LOVE YOU BRIT...that was so sweet. and next time you want a scripture to go with it, just ask bianca. she'll give you like 10 that say "greatness".
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