My big move was this weekend. I say “big” not in the sense that moving is anything new or unknown to me, because I’ve moved every year for the last five years…but more so in the emotional sense. This move
means a lot to me and I’ve had so many emotions attached to it, which is why it seems so monumental. Let it be known that I hate moving.
hate it. I despise the whole process…from packing, to finding movers, from all the crap you accumulate that you don’t even realize you have, to driving to your new destination, to unpacking all the crap and trying to make the new place feel like
home. It’s exhausting to say the least.

For this move though, I had some of my most favorite people to help make this trek across the desert and when I say that it made all the difference in the world, its actually an understatement. For starters I had my Uncle Kevin and Aunt Ronnie help me pack up my stuff and drive it to Arizona. Did I mention that they already live in Arizona??? These are some stud family members I tell you. I was so unbelievably grateful for the assistance not only because of the help to my wallet (which was HUGE by the way), but because as movers they put Starving Students to shame. They are nothing short of amazing. I was actually relegated to carrying in the boxes of pillows because they made sure they had all the heavy stuff on lock. I also had my two best friends to come along on the road trip with me and help me unpack. They were most definitely my two little angels and I am so happy they were able to come with me and add to our already endless supply of memories and stories that we will forever carry close to our heart.

Our drive across the desert was spent in endless chatter. Not once did we turn on the radio or sit in silence. We sang. Well Mel really sung, and I hurt their eardrums when I would suddenly break out in something that slightly resembles singing for absolutely no reason.

We took the time to decide the perfect partner for each one of us. Our thinking is that if we put it out in the universe, it’s that much more likely to become a reality. We decided to point out each other’s best and worst qualities. Why? I don’t know. For some reason I have this weird obsession with categorizing people. Supposedly I am stubborn and somewhat conceited. I am also not the funniest. But I don’t quite agree. My humor must be too far advanced for them. Before we knew it we had made it to Tucson, Arizona.
I actually wasn’t quite prepared for the way I would feel once I actually arrived. It’s a hard thing to explain but needless to say my mood did a couple of back flips mixed in with a few cartwheels on me.

That’s why having my friends here was so critical because they kept me focused on the important stuff. And who besides your best friends would wake up and go get you starbucks and groceries for breakfast while you’re still sleeping and then take you on a surprise shopping spree at Target for all the things you realize you don’t have? I am blessed to have friends that love me so much. Unfortunately, they had to return home but I am so thankful for the time we spent together this weekend and just for having them in my life.
I am now officially a resident of Tucson, Arizona.