Monday, December 17, 2007

What goes down must come up

Sometimes you work out so hard that it makes you sick. Like a for real sick. I suppose not everyone gets like this, and luckily for me, in the last few years I haven't had any trouble keeping down what should stay down. Well today that all changed drastically. I would go in to detail about what my workout was and how bad it kicked my butt but the truth of the matter is you may not really get it by simply seeing it on paper and on the off chance you might just think I'm a wuss, I'll keep it to myself.

My stomach is known for being a bit on the unsettled side after brutal workouts. I often use my nausea as part of my arsenal of excuses when I lay on the ground, which I happen to do quite often. I'm convinced that being flat on my back or in the fetal position settles my stomach and so I stay there until I feel it has passed. But today, as I continued to lay there, it just got worse. I started taking deep breaths and something just didn't feel if I went too deep I'd be sorry, so I kept my breaths short and hurried to the bathroom. I am quite certain that I could never be bulimic as the whole process is simply horrific. Truth be told though, after your stomach is emptied you always feel as if you can get right back on the line and go at it again... which is good, because oftentimes that's exactly what you're asked to do.


melanie said...

pretty gross, bri.
but enough of this vomit talk...only FIVE more days til youre back in california! yay! can't wait to see ya ;o)

Jackie E. said...

hey brianna,
sorry to hear about your practice. i don't even want to know what the workout was that made you reach that point!!! btw, thanks for the advice on all things related to websites and are the resident guru!!!:) take care and it was good to see you over the weekend. we DEFINITELY need to catch up!!

Andre Rafik said...

Hey, i was like you just this past Saturday. Those Hills are something special. I dont know about you but im feeling slower each week. According to Hughes, it only gets harder....

Anonymous said...

i freakin HATE that think it's gonna go away but it doesn't....sometimes it does...but rarely. I think I was eating to close to practice though.

White Flower said...

I'm so sorry, Bri! I

Remember that this will all pay off soon : )

Anonymous said...

ok you don't need to be throwing anything up and losing more weight! I think step-daughter and you wear the same size pants, and she's 10!

t.v. said...
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t.v. said...

Hhhhhmmm seems that this "Homecoming" thing is really beating your butt.

When was the last time you worked out like this? Maybe this is a sign.. You're about to be at the top of your game again. :)

Hey who knows... I think you're on your way to Olympic gold... "yeahhhhhhhhh"

Anonymous said...

ugh...I'm sorry you got that way.

But on a selfish note - I'm glad it's not just me. I know I'm COMPLETELY outta shape and I thought that was why I feel sick sometimes when I workout. It's nice to know that someone as fit as you can still get nauseous because of working out. :-)

Best of luck, though.
