Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Picture of the Week: Happy Birthday DAD!!!

October 31st is my Dad's birthday. Yea, I know it's also Halloween, but that just always made it easier for us not to ever forget it. My moms birthday is some time in January. She's not so lucky. I know there have been a couple years I was a few days late...sorry Mom. Anyway, my Dad passed away about 7 years ago and it's the birthdays and holidays that make me think about him and miss him the most. I ran across this picture the other day and it just made me smile. I like when I smile instead of cry, because I think it's important to also remember what a great person he was and how happy he made everyone around him, instead of just focusing on how much I miss him. Right now I'm actually smiling through the tears--which is kind of a good compromise! Happy Birthday Dad. I love you.


Anonymous said...

I should have known not to open this at work. I'm glad you can smile through the tears when remembering him. I haven't reached the place yet but I'm hoping some day I do. I love you Dad. The number of years we've been apart doesn't chip away at that love. It's as strong and apart of my everyday life as it's always been. Love you too Bri.

melanie said...

great picture, bri...of courtney, anyway. you look a little befuddled :o)
i know its rough, but if it helps to know i love you and i'm praying, then now you know. if it doesn't help, i still love you, and i'll still pray.
xo friend,

White Flower said...

I'm glad you can smile through the pain of loss. I love you and I'm priviledged to have met him :)