After I jumped in a small meet in Bottrop, Germany last week I headed over to Italy for three small competitions. If you know me, then you know I love me some Italy. I get to eat to my hearts content, drink an insane amount of cappucino's, and shop. Finances precluded me from doing too much of the latter, but the eating and drinking I did in abundance. Here is me in action over the last week...
A picture I took on the way to Pergine, Italy. Sometimes you stumble upon some of the most gorgeous places when you travel to these small meets. People in Italy didn't even know where this place was, but I'm glad I got the chance to visit.

I finished three books this past week. And when I read, I drink cappuccinos. And when I drink cappuccinos, I need a brioche to accompany it. necessity.

I had this exact same thing for lunch four days in a row. I was concerned that perhaps a person shouldn't consume that much pizza, so I made sure to balance it with a salad.

Lignano, Italy used to be my base in the summer. But as you can see, it's way more fitted to feeling like vacation than it is to training, which is why I now base in Germany. While I was here though, I decided to make the most of it!

Oh how i love gelato! And oh, how my tummy does not. Didn't stop me though...

What is so great about going to smaller meets, is that you feel like the big athlete. Fans in Italy are great... all the people want your autograph and to make a photo with you. It's nice to feel appreciated and to get a small dose of the Usain Bolt treatment. :)

Even though I was enjoying my time to the best of my ability, I still won 3 out of the 4 meets. Maybe if I had cut back on the gelato and pizza I would have won the fourth as well... but then I would have missed out on the gelato and pizza... hmm.

Now this is what I'm talking about. I was wondering when Bri's travel channel was going to come back on air. This is great. We can see what happens on the track for the most part, but we don't get to see this. The Pergine picture is now my new background photo. That is a great shot from the train.
See what happens when you relax, say F it, and let your practice and hard work at training take over?!!
"Meets are won at practice, not at the meets"
"Once your body is well trained, in shape and competition ready, you can have fun, and pizza too"
3 out of 4 with wins! Wow! I guess my coaching of you is paying off! Should I be expecting your 15% check soon? :)!
Do you have some more meets lined up in Europe this year or are you heading back soon?
dear usain...RUN HOME ALREADY! and bring some pizza home with you! ;)
Great post Bri. I'm with Jasmine- come home, we miss you around these parts : )
Photo's of you competing early July.
thanks for the links :)
those phots of you are delicious! Now, I really miss seeing you compete stateside.
If there isn't a smart, single guy looking your way, I'm shocked! If I wasn't sooooooo married and in luv with my baby, you would occupy my life like no other. Now win some more and geet in line for the end of season invites!!!
Nothing better than a good W E D G Y! :)!
Oh go ahead....I'm sure your wifey-poo won't mind you getting a little side action! lol
Oh Bri, I so miss you. When will you be back to debt riddles USA soils?
As a person with few advantages, the book Outliers struck a major chord with me. So did the book, Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers From Everyone Else.
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