Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happiness...with no strings attached.

I sat in the very front. Front and center to be exact. You know that kid back in school who would sit in the front of class and raise their hand eagerly at every question that was asked? Well that was me today. Total geek. Except I didn’t answer any questions, I just listened and took it all in. Normally I’m not such a nerd. Normally, I would be in the back with all the other cool kids, whispering amongst ourselves and typing on my blackberry while I impatiently waited for the boring team meeting to end. But for some reason it wasn’t boring to me today. Sure, I knew all the information they passed along to us, and spending 2 ½ hours going over information already handed out might have seemed monotonous on any other occasion, but I wasn’t about to let a silly thing like repetitiveness be a damper. The one cool part—even though it took forever-- was all the athletes introducing each other to the group. It’s an awesome thing to be able to meet your teammates, and learn more about people you usually only see in passing. We broke up into groups and had to introduce another team member and share one thing about them the group may not know. I don’t know what is about a group of type A, uber-competitive athletes, but rest-assured our introductions were nothing like what you’ve experienced in previous ice-breakers. So many of them were hilarious!

I’m here to enjoy each and every part of this experience. When your journey has been as long and tedious as mine, a 2 ½ hour team meeting seems like heaven, simply because you are in the meeting. The USA team we have is a great one, and it is an honor and privilege to be able to say that I’m a part of it. Whatever else happens is simply icing on the cake. I say that not to imply that I don’t intend to go out there and shock the world. I’d be lying to say that I’m just content with being here and had no extra goals or desires, but, and this is truly my heart speaking, I want to be proud of this moment and truly acknowledge it for what it is. There are people on our team who have made the U.S. team for 10 and 11 consecutive years, and perhaps for them this type of accomplishment is so commonplace they hardly even blink an eye. But that is not my story. There have been many who accomplish far more than I ever will and there will be even more who hope to accomplish what I have, but for me, making it here is one of my own mountains that I have climbed and I am proud of that. In another 8 days I will have another mountain in front of me that deserves all my attention and focus, but while I’m thinking about it today I wanted to say that I am really happy to be here. No strings attached.


Deaulivery said...

Wish you success and all the team as well! Glad you enjoying Europe and the competitions! God bless!

Dexter said...

You see...this is why people love you. You made me remember what it means to have that National Team experience for the "first time" all over again. In fact, I still have my 1st team warmup hanging in my closet. I just went and tried to put on the jacket....I haven't gained weight, I've been LIFTING weights! Yeah...that's it....

Anyway, I'm proud of you; not only for the accomplishment of making the team, but for making the most of your accomplishment

Anonymous said...

nice! joe p. dc vegas

#2 Fan said...

Relishing in the moment is such a forgotten practice, thank you for reminding me how important it truly is.

Have Fun and Good Luck!

Bianca said...

I'm SO proud of you. Like, ridiculously proud of you. Soak up every moment and thanks for blogging from your heart.


Unknown said...

You're awesome Bri, very deserving and very inspiring. It's hard to believe where you are now compared with where you were a year ago (at my house unsure about your future). Good luck in Berlin homie.

Jennie Finch said...

Awe Bri! We are so proud of you! Thanks for being not too cool and letting us know whats inside the tough body, heart, and soul of yours! Enjoy! Enjoy every minute! You deserve it! You have worked so hard for this! I have a big cheesy grin on my face for you! Lots of Love!
Praying for you!

J buck said...

Who are the 2 Germans wearing Khaki shorts in the front row? One, even stole a USA jacket.

I say remove them from the team!

Goodluck. But you know what you have to do, is to not care like in NYC and you will jump long.

And of course think about me.

Rob said...

Hi, found your blog my looking at the US track team for Berlin. Anyway, i'm German and live in Berlin, glad to have you and all your teammates here and i hope you enjoy the town. Good luck for friday and sunday :-)